Novus Great Art Challenge #11

My Lockdown Companion!

We are no longer discussing what is going on – suffice to say you are still there and we are still here in France. unable to re-start the classes. Therefore we will continue to post Challenges for you to look at, and hopefully engage with!

This week as we are generally no longer in “Lockdown” we thought it might be opportune to look back and reflect on those times when we were shut away from friends and family and had only the people or animals that were in the house with us as company. Hopefully it wasn’t too traumatic for you – we of course are used to it – there is no escape for us!

The Challenge then is to compose a picture in whatever way you want, to illustrate how that period made you feel towards those close to you in Lockdown. This could be a portrait or something more involved to tell a story – even a sequence of little illustrations in the form of a “comic book”.

We don’t mean cartoons but think of something like Hogarth’s “Rake’s Progress” for example – the downfall of a young man who squanders his inheritance on drink, women and gambling, ends up in prison and at the end in the madhouse, Bedlam, or there is Goya’s series of etchings “Los Caprichos”  – Goya’s commentary on the universal follies and foolishness in the Spanish society in which he lived – superstition, infidelity, ignorance, lack of education, and a lack of common sense and reason (sound familiar?) – but obviously it doesn’t need to be as finished or complicated in its execution, think only of the idea behind the series.

You may of course have had a really good time locked indoors away from the world, so let us see that! Maybe it could be a portrait of husband or wife or child, or a favoured pet that saw you through the tough times. It could be a book – and not just a picture of the book but an illustration of the story therein? It could even be an inanimate object  – who knows the world  is your oyster here!

Below are a selection of Hogarth’s “Rake’s Progress” paintings and below that Some of Goya’s etching series “Los Caprichos”.

As usual, a  reminder again that we now have a dedicated Instagram page where you can follow along – follow us and spread the word – anyone can join in!


We are using #novusgreatartchallenge  – add it to any pictures you paint or draw and post on your own pages!

and of course our Facebook page where entries will be posted

We are looking forward to seeing your entries!

Picture of His 'n' Hers

His 'n' Hers

"I'm afraid Art is not one of the 'pivotal' Trades in the modern state, but rather condemned as some foreign substance like dirt, on the rim of the wheel liable at any moment to be dropped off. So be it, it is an idiotic world...Still we HOPE, STRIVE, CONTINUE..."


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Côté Jardin

Côté Jardin: Monet to Bonnard After recently spending a few days in Normandy and the Orne, we returned home via

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