David Hockney

Novus Great Art Challenge #3

"Do Remember They Can't Cancel The Spring"

Inspired by David Hockney’s comment on publishing the above i-pad drawing –  “Do remember they can’t cancel the Spring!” – for our third Challenge, with the warm sunny Easter weather upon us,  we thought we would focus on Nature, with Spring bursting forth all around us. So the challenge this wek is “Flora” in all its guises – be it the fabulous blossom we can see all around us at the moment, or plants we have indoors or the tulips and daffodils – some of which are still about. The choice is yours!

Again we have put together a little gallery to inspire you. Do take it on board and use it as a springboard to perhaps try something different. We have a sneaky suspicion a few of you are sticking to your safe tried and tested methods!

Remember  – this is all about having fun – you can’t “BE WRONG” so have a go! 

A reminder again that we now have a dedicated Instagram page where you can follow along – follow us and spread the word – anyone can join in!



We are using #novusgreatartchallenge  – add it to any pictures you paint or draw and post on your own pages!

and of course our Facebook page where entries will be posted 


Picture of His 'n' Hers

His 'n' Hers

"I'm afraid Art is not one of the 'pivotal' Trades in the modern state, but rather condemned as some foreign substance like dirt, on the rim of the wheel liable at any moment to be dropped off. So be it, it is an idiotic world...Still we HOPE, STRIVE, CONTINUE..."


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Côté Jardin

Côté Jardin: Monet to Bonnard After recently spending a few days in Normandy and the Orne, we returned home via

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