
Novus Great Art Challenge #7

My Favourite Thing

"Le (semi) Confinement" Continues...

This week sees not much change to the current situation we find ourselves in and we are still unable to re-open the studio. So our challenges continue. 

For this Challenge, after the stresses caused by last weeks self-portrait we thought we would go easy on you this week and give you quite a bit of leeway.

The challenge this week is all about your favourite thing – in its widest sense – so let your imaginations run wild! Your favourite thing could be a landscape or view you hold dear or a place, as with Monet who painted his Water Lilies, or Cézanne who painted many, many times Le Mont Saint Victoire.

Water Lilies by Claude Monet, Honolulu Museum of Art
Mont Saint Victoire by Paul Cézanne, Courtauld Institute of Art

On the other hand it could be an object or several objects that you could arrange in a still life. Maybe a favourite outfit you enjoy wearing as with Monet’s wife dressed up in her kimono and with her fans. it could be a place you enjoy going to or a drink as in Picasso’s depiction of the Absinthe drinker!


It could be a person, someone close to you (although after several weeks of close proximity maybe not so much now!) or a favourite pet or other animal. Let your imagination run with this, there are no limits, it could be a totally fantastical picture! Try a different way of working, try collage, paint on a photo or collage things onto it to transform it and remember there is no wrong way! In fact make this the time you try a different method – stretch yourself – you have nothing to lose! Also, don’t limit yourself to one picture try doing several – many on different topics.

There is no gallery of images this week as the possibilities are endless, but do look online for inspiration or contact us if you need help. 

In the meantime we came across the video below and thought it quite amusing!

As usual, a  reminder again that we now have a dedicated Instagram page where you can follow along – follow us and spread the word – anyone can join in!



We are using #novusgreatartchallenge  – add it to any pictures you paint or draw and post on your own pages!

and of course our Facebook page where entries will be posted 


We are looking forward to seeing you entries!

Picture of His 'n' Hers

His 'n' Hers

"I'm afraid Art is not one of the 'pivotal' Trades in the modern state, but rather condemned as some foreign substance like dirt, on the rim of the wheel liable at any moment to be dropped off. So be it, it is an idiotic world...Still we HOPE, STRIVE, CONTINUE..."


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Côté Jardin

Côté Jardin: Monet to Bonnard After recently spending a few days in Normandy and the Orne, we returned home via

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