My Favourite Toy
Although this week sees a relaxing of the lockdown measures we are still unable to re-open the studio – we can’t even leave France at the moment! So we have decided to continue setting our challenges for those of you who are still at home or if you are not, see whether you can allocate some time to “do” some art!
The challenge this week really carries on from last weeks “My Favourite Thing”. Quite a few of you found it hard to pinpoint just one thing as being ” My Favourite”. So with a slight twist we decided to look back and bring back to life that favourite toy(s). It doesn’t have to be one you had yourself – maybe one you never had but coveted!
We have been watching ‘Grayson Perry’s Art Club’ on Channel 4, and he has been working on a pottery sculpture of his childhood toy – Alan Measles – which he still has! We hope you are watching it too – its very inspirational and has got all sorts of people who have never touched a pencil or paintbrush since primary school to have a go – everything is possible -remember the mantra: there is no wrong way only different ways!

And for those of you who might remember Captain Scarlet!

Again, for this challenge try a different way of working, try collage, paint on a photo or collage things onto it to transform it and remember there is no wrong way! In fact make this the time you try a different method – stretch yourself – you have nothing to lose! Also, don’t limit yourself to one picture try doing several – many on different topics.
Once more as it is such an open topic, there is no gallery of images this week, but do look online for inspiration – there are plenty of “old” toys online or contact us if you need help.
As usual, a reminder again that we now have a dedicated Instagram page where you can follow along – follow us and spread the word – anyone can join in!
We are using #novusgreatartchallenge – add it to any pictures you paint or draw and post on your own pages!
and of course our Facebook page where entries will be posted
We are looking forward to seeing you entries!